Minggu, 22 Januari 2012

Reading Challenge: Just For Fun Reading Challenge 2012

I know this challenge from It's All About Book's Blog and it's a fun way to get rid of my TBR stacks that have been there for years. And so I decided to join the challenge and hoping I can reach 12 books in 12 months from my TBR piles.

If you want to join this challenge you have to be a Goodreads member first (Just Sign Up yourself, it's free and easy!) then go to JUST FOR FUN READING CHALLENGE 2012. Join the group before 31st January 2012!!

I'd like to write a review for some of the book but not always in the same month. I'm a slow reviewer afterall, but I'll post it eventually. XD

WRAP UP: Yay, Finally I can get it done. Click on the link to read the review ^^

6 komentar:

  1. wahhh...masih aja yaa ikutan challenge, hehehe...aku udah keteteran ngejar target book challenge goodreads...;(

    hehehe...happy reading, sista...

  2. Sounds interesting. Is TBR means "To Be Read"? If it is, i have plenty stocks of it! xD

    So i guess, i'd like to try that challenge... ;p

  3. @mas Ijul
    Iyaaa, tahun kemarin juga keteteran sih.. tapi aku ga gitu ambisius mau menuhin seluruh targetnya, cuma biar termotivasi aja :P

    @mba Tika
    Iya, To-Be-Read, yihaaa, yuk mari ikut meramaikan :D

  4. Walau hanya 12 buku ternyata submitnya yang susah. Untung sekarang udah disediakan Group di Goodreads. Jadi nggak perlu repot ngisi Form.

  5. tahun lalu saya gagal, kurang 2 lagi buku yg dibaca :(

    ini harus review in English kah?? :D

  6. @Mba Ally
    Dulu ribet ya ngisi formnya? Duh, yg sekarang aja aku rasa uda lumayan ribet sih pake GR segala. Trus ngeceknya satu2 gitu kan si Dolly, kasian.. pesertanya kan banyak.

    Halo, makasih sudah mampir kemari. Oya tahun lalu ikutan? Tahun ini ikutan juga lagi aja :D Aku mau nulis review in Bahasa Indonesia aja. Grammar ancur begini jadi harus sadar diri :P


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