Kamis, 02 Oktober 2014

The Winners of September to Remember

Terima kasih sudah berpartisipasi dalam September to Remember Blog Hop. Sebelumnya, kami sebagai pelaksana event, mohon maaf karena sempat ada kesalahan teknis, yakni gdocs tutup beberapa jam lebih awal. Namun sudah kami buka kesempatan bagi yang masih ingin submit jawaban bisa mengirimkan jawabannya melalui email, hehe.

Oiya, langsung saja pengumuman pemenangnya. Dari seluruh jawaban yang masuk, ada 4 orang yang sayangnya belum menjawab dengan benar, tapi masih ada belasan lainnya yang menjawab dengan sempurna. Mau tahu apa jawabannya?

Namun, banyak juga yang mengirimkan bonus optional, baik kolase maupun paragraf. Bagus semua sampai kita bingung milihnya. Pada akhirnya, pemenang kita pilih melalui voting dan hasilnya adalah..

*Biondy Alfian*

Our Time

After D-100,
we sat together.
The painted veil was by your side.
A building was on our back.
Written on the plank, “Perpustakaan Ajaib Bibbi Bokken”.

A child stopped by.
He put a poster by my side.
It said,
Come and watch, the most spectacular show!
Sepeda Merah” Circus.
Starring the one and only, Magician Mr. Justice Raffles.

I asked, “What do you think?”
You laughed and said
that you wanted to see it
if we could.
I nodded in agreement.
If we could.

The Catcher in the Rye was on your lap.
To Kill a Mockingbird was on mine.
And The Red Pyramid was between us.

I had a cup of tarapuccino.
You had your Jasmine.
An old man walked by our side
grunting, “Kartini nggak sampai Eropa!”
And we tried to guess what did that mean.

We saw a little boy,
the kite runner.
We saw a little girl,
full of wonder.
We saw a woman with a monster calls
with her children trembled by her foot.

We talked about our favorite book store, “Liesl and Po”.
And how we called the old man, the owner, The Time Keeper.
And the old man called us, “A Match Made in High School”.

This lullaby
was measuring up
along with the noisy street.

An adolescent boy shouted,
Sunset Bersama Rosie, datang dan saksikan!”
but he was defeated by the blasting sound,
coming from the big screen.

“The best film of the year
The Not-So-Amazing Life of @aMrazing!”
“It will enchant every men to your way,
Bellamore A Beautiful Love To Remember!”
“He can solve any of your problems.
Call Dr. L now!”

For us,
it would be:
Hand by hand
clasping together.
Giggled like the two little kids
we used to be.
We whispered ear to ear.
About a world without heroes.
About the runaway king.
And of the days long ago,
we could only recollected.

And when the mysterious howling came,
the street froze,
the sound disappeared,
and we knew
it was time
to bid good bye.


*Sisca Wiryawan*

Selamat yaaa~untuk Biondy Alfian dan Sisca Wiryawan. Berikut ini syarat dan ketentuan bagi para pemenang:
  • Pemenang segera konfirmasi melalui email kukilasbuku@gmail.com untuk pemesanan buku yang diinginkan dan alamat pengiriman. 
  • batas konfirmasi 3x24 jam. Apabila belum konfirm diluar batas waktu, maka akan dipilih pemenang lain.
  • masing-masing pemenang mendapat hadiah berupa voucher buku senilai Rp340.000,- (harga buku normal/ sebelum diskon toko online) 
  • jika buku yang dipesan stocknya habis, maka pemenang diberi kesempatan untuk mengganti buku
  • dan hadiah buku pilihan harus dipesan di OLshop Indonesia/lokal. (Maaf ya, nggak bisa ke bookdepo, amazon, Barnes&Book) 

Bagi yang belum beruntung, semoga dikesempatan mendatang bisa ikut berpartisipasi kembali. Stay tuned on www.okydanbuku.com

1 komentar:

  1. Ciyeee selamat buat pemenangnyaa \w/
    Pengen ikut GA kayak gini, udah pesimis duluan... :3


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