Rabu, 03 Maret 2021

Dreaming of You


Dreaming of You (The Gamblers of Craven's #2)
Penulis: Lisa Kleypas
Penerbit: Avon Books
Hlm: 373
Tahun: Juni 2015
Rating: 4/5
Format: ebook

Dreaming of You:   
She stood at danger's threshold—then love beckoned her in.

In the shelter of her country cottage, Sara Fielding puts pen to paper to create dreams. But curiosity has enticed the prim, well-bred gentlewoman out of her safe haven—and into Derek Craven's dangerous world.

A handsome, tough and tenacious Cockney, he rose from poverty to become lord of London's most exclusive gambling house—a struggle that has left Derek Craven fabulously wealthy, but hardened and suspicious. And now duty demands he allow Sara Fielding into his world—with her impeccable manners and her infuriating innocence. But here, in a perilous shadow-realm of ever-shifting fortunes, even a proper "mouse" can be transformed into a breathtaking enchantress—and a world-weary gambler can be shaken to his cynical core by the power of passion...and the promise of love.

Walaupun karakternya tidak selucu dan tidak seramai Lili & Alex di Then Came You (Gamblers #1) tetep aja karakternya kuat dan sangat hidup. Dan Derek adalah karakter paling kuat setelah Lily, IMO. Saya suka melihat pergolakan batin Derek dalam upayanya menutup hati juga perkembangan karakternya setelah ketemu Sara. It was rather soothing, perubahannya pelan tapi pasti.. apalagi Sara-nya lumayan pengertian dan tidak memaksakan diri. Mungkin karena dia seorang yang sangat perseptif dan peka.

Anw, biarpun dialognya nggak selucu di Gamblers #1 entah kenapa secara keseluruhan deskripsi dan adegannya banyak yang bikin saya ngakak kayak buku sebelumnya. So it was a pleasent read. Seri Gamblers ini recommended deh pokoknya.

My reviews for this series:
#1 Then Came You
#2 Dreaming of You

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