Rabu, 11 November 2020

The Desert King


 The Desert King (Throne of Judar #3)
Penulis: Olivia Gates
Penerbit: Silhouette
Hlm: 187
Tahun: September 1st, 2008
Rating: 3/5
Format: ebook 

The Desert King:   
Their farce of a marriage will save his kingdom. And in return for an heir, Kamal Aal Masood will give his new wife Aliyah anything – except the trust and intimacy she desperately wants.

When Kamal abruptly ended their blistering affair years ago, he vowed Aliyah would never ensnare him again. Only a fool allowed his actions to be ruled by his heart. And only a woman like Aliyah would dare to challenge a king in a passionate battle of wills.

Based on the plot and characters, The Desert King win by one point. Tapi saya tetep paling suka sama buku ke-2 yang berjudul Desert Lord's Bride. Jadi di dua buku sebelumnya, pangeran pertama dan kedua mengundurkan diri dari posisi pewaris kerajaan karena lebih mengutamakan Cinta, eaaa. Akhirnya, tanggung jawab sebagai pewaris jatuh ke tangan pangeran ketiga. 

Karakter Kamal sebagai anak bungsu sekaligus pangeran ketiga ternyata jauh lebih strong willed and masculine dibanding dua kakaknya. Padahal menurut saya, kedua kakaknya tuh juga uda keras karakternya, nggak tahunya si bungsu ini lebih keras lagi. Cocoklah kalau jadi Raja ya, Bang.

Sementara di sini saya suka sama karakter Aliyah yang ngga cengeng dan lemah dibanding 2 buku sebelumnya. Aliyah juga sebanding dengan Kamal, padahal diantara 2 kakaknya yang lain, karakter Kamal ini paling kuat dan kejem. Tapi Aliyah dengan kerennya bisa mengimbangi Kamal. She deserve to be the Queen.

Yang bikin saya addicted dengan Desert series ini karena topiknya adalah tentang Arabia, Desert Kingdom ala Aladdin which is jarang kita temui yekaaan. Padahal seru juga lho melihat contemporary romance berlokasi di Arabia lengkap dengan budayanya yang eksotis. Selain itu, Olivia Gates selalu sukses memunculkan emotional roller coaster di hati pembacanya dan genre melodrama ini cocok untuk kamu yang suka angts theme.

Satu lagi yang saya suka. Disini ada satu bab tersendiri (eh atau 2 bab ya tadi, saya lupa hehe) yang deskripsiin pernikahan mereka. The Glorious Wedding for the King and Queen of Judar. Detail bgt sumpah dan saya pun bisa ngebayangin betapa kerennya pesta itu.

My review for this series:

#1 Desert Lord's Baby

#2 Desert Lord's Bride

#3 The Desert King

Another Desert Series: 

#Pride of Zohayd

Selasa, 10 November 2020

The Desert Lord's Bride

 The  Desert Lord's Bride (Throne of Judar #2)
Penulis: Olivia Gates
Penerbit: Silhouette
Hlm: 186
Tahun: July 1st, 2008
Rating: 4.5/5
Format: ebook 

The Desert Lord's Baby:   
The future of Judar rests with Farah Beaumont, a foreigner who wants nothing to do with her heritage.

And to secure his country's peace, prince Shehab Aal Masood must make her his bride--by any means necessary.

Hiding his identity and sweeping Farah off her feet is a start. But the joyful, seemingly innocent Farah is nothing like he expects. And Shehab's calculated seduction soon becomes an affair too powerful to control....

Huwaaa.. when Farah realized that Shehab are manipulating her into marriage, my heart shattered as I felt hurt for her. Hiks... It was a great read.

Shehab ini anak kedua yang sama kayak kakaknya; an overbearing man, a control freak, ruthless. Nah karena kakaknya, si Farooq di buku pertama Desert Lord's Baby nggak mau jadi Raja. Mau nggak mau,  Shehab jadi ketiban tanggung jawab sebagai penerus kerajaan selanjutnya. Dan supaya dia bisa jadi penerus, dia harus bisa menikahi Farah. Kalau nggak bisa nikahin Farah, nasib kerajaannya akan jatuh ke tangan yang salah. Dan tentunya masa depan rakyatnya akan suram. He doesn't want that

So, apapun yang terjadi, dia harus bisa membuat Farah mau menjadi istrinya untuk menyelamatkan kerajaan Judar. Siapa sangka, ternyata dia terpesona dengan Farah. Again, another bucin detected. Jadi, dimulailah kisah melodrama kita. 

Plotnya menurutku lebih okeh dibanding buku pertama. Tapi beberapa hal di buku ini yang terasa agak kurang detail dari Olivia Gates IMO. But overall it's well written. So far it's my fave book of the Throne of Judar Series. Pembaca bisa membaca buku ini secara terpisah, nggak seperti buku pertamanya yang banyak detail silsilah keluarga. Semoga buku terakhirnya nanti bisa lebih bagus lagi. Can't wait!!

My review for this series:

#1 Desert Lord's Baby

#2 Desert Lord's Bride

#3 The Desert King

Another Desert Series: 

#Pride of Zohayd

Senin, 09 November 2020

The Desert Lord's Baby


 The  Desert Lord's Baby (Throne of Judar #1)
Penulis: Olivia Gates
Penerbit: Silhouette
Hlm: 187
Tahun: May 13th, 2008
Rating: 3.5/5
Format: ebook 

The Desert Lord's Baby:   
There was nowhere Carmen could hide from this prince of Judar. No stone he wouldn't turn to find her, no wall he couldn't tear down. Nothing would stop Farooq Aal Masood from claiming the mother of his baby.

She had betrayed him. And she would pay. In his bed. As his wife...until he tired of her. And though Carmen professed to love him, that it was all a misunderstanding, well...Farooq would never fall for her lies again!

Ini adalah seri pertama yang harus dibaca di antara seluruh seri desert-nya Olivia Gates. Kemarin saya salah urutan, saya malah baca Desert Knights series duluan padahal itu seri terakhir, makanya agak bingung gitu kan sama clan Aal Masoods, Aal Shalaans, dll.

Pokoknya diinget-inget kalo mau baca seri gurun, Buku ini adalah buku paling awal ya. Soalnya konspirasi, negosiasi, dan family tree nyambung semua. Kemarin aja saya sedikit bingung gitu ngapalin dan ngebedain karakternya.

Nah, ceritanya disini Farooq, demi mengalahkan sepupunya yang jahat, dia harus segera menikah dan memiliki pewaris. Tapi sayang si Carmen yang mau dia lamar malah pergi begitu saja. Jadinya dia marah dong pas tahu ternyata si Carmen pergi sambil mengandung anaknya (oops ini termasuk spoiler atau teaser?). 

Dia pun berniat membalas dendam! Nah, selama balas dendam itu.. hiks, kerasa banget emosi keduanya. Mau kasih bintang 4 sih tapi saya kok lebih nggak sabar pengen baca kisah adek-adek Farooq ketimbang si Farooq sendiri.

My review for this series:

#1 Desert Lord's Baby

#2 Desert Lord's Bride

#3 The Desert King

Another Desert Series: 

#Pride of Zohayd

Rabu, 04 November 2020

To Touch A Sheikh


 To Touch A Sheikh (Pride of Zohayd #3)
Penulis: Olivia Gates
Penerbit: Silhouette
Hlm: 192
Tahun: August 2nd, 2011
Rating: 5/5
Format: ebook 

To Touch a Sheikh:   
The Sheikh's Surrender

No one gets past Prince Amjad Aal Shalaan's defenses. No one. But when Princess Maram shows up at Amjad's gala in her father's place, destroying Amjad's plans to reclaim what was stolen from his family, Amjad sees red...and uses a freak sandstorm to make her his prisoner of passion.

Swept to safety by the man she's always loved from afar, Maram knows she has one chance to make Amjad see her as a woman. His woman. But when the impossible prince and the unstoppable princess take shelter from the storm, neither is prepared for the aftermath of their desire...

Ini buku kocak abis. Dialog pertama di buku ini adalah ketika Hero kita, Amjad bertemu dengan Heroine kita, Maram. Lalu salam pertama mereka itu langsung bikin saya ngakak:

Princess Maram diganti jadi Princess Haram (taboo, dosa)
Prince Amjad diganti jadi Prince Amghad (dibenci)

Disini saya quote;

He inclined his head at her, injected his voice with its maximum level of scorn. “Princess Haram.”

Maram blinked. Had he just called her Haram?
The glint in those unique eyes said he had!
Sinful. Wicked. Evil. Taboo.
The word encompassed all that. And more. And he’d made sure everyone had heard it. So. How did he expect her to react? Get flustered? Defensive? Outraged?

No. The Amjad she knew would expect her to engage him. And boy, would she.

She gave him a curtsy, fluttered her lashes. “Prince Amghad!”

Amjad’s eyes snapped a fraction wider before danger slithered across his heart-stoppingly gorgeous face, his hand flattening over his heart in mock hurt. “And here I thought you…liked me.”

Oh my gosh, I love Amjad. Karakternya dengan komen-komen sarkastiknya itu loh nggak nguatin, bikin gemes. Lucunya, kalo biasanya si hero yang ngejar-ngejar heroine, ini justru si Amjadnya lari kebirit-birit takut di kejar Maram yang 'napsu'. Mana lucu banget lagi mereka berdua itu, saling menimpali dengan dialog humornya. This is exactly my favourite book from all olivia gate's desert series.

My review for this series:

#1 To Tame a Sheikh

#2 To Tempt a Sheikh

#3 To Touch a Sheikh

Selasa, 03 November 2020

To Tempt A Sheikh

 To Tempt A Sheikh (Pride of Zohayd #2)
Penulis: Olivia Gates
Penerbit: Silhouette
Hlm: 185
Tahun: February 8th, 2011
Rating: 4/5
Format: ebook 

To Tempt a Sheikh:   
He rescued hostage Talia Burke from his royal family's rival tribe and swept her into his strong embrace. But Prince Harres Aal Shalaan soon discovered there was more to the brave beauty than he knew. Talia held information vital to protecting his beloved kingdom -- and she had every reason not to trust him.

Marooned together at a desert oasis, Talia couldn't resist Harres. Yet even as his sizzling seduction entranced her, his loyalty to his family and country would always make them enemies. Falling for the sheikh would be her heart's greatest mistake -- but she feared it was already too late.

Haha, lucu banget ini si Harres. Harres adalah tokoh utama pria di buku ini. Dia stres kok bisa-bisanya tertarik secara seksual sama laki-laki. Panik sampai merasa dirinya hampir gila haha, untungnya yang dia taksir ternyata cewek yang menyamar jadi cowok.

Diantara buku seri gurun Olivia Gates kayaknya buku ini yang paling lucu. Sangat menghibur, dialognya seru dan lucu. Dan yeah, sudah pasti saya suka karakter kedua tokoh utamanya.

Belum lagi, nggak seperti seri lainnya yang setting tempatnya kebanyakan di istana, disini Harres benar-benar jadi kesatria gurun. Mereka terdampar berdua di gurun dan harus bertahan hidup. Cool~ model Stockholm Syndrom gitu sih, tapi jauh lebih sweet and fluffy. Yaiyalaah, namanya juga romance.

Sekian dulu review pendek kali ini. Jangan lupa baca dulu review buku pertamanya. Daaan tunggu review buku ketiganya di blog ini yaaa~ untuk link review bisa klik link di bawah ini.

My review for this series:

#1 To Tame a Sheikh

#2 To Tempt a Sheikh

#3 To Touch a Sheikh

Senin, 02 November 2020

To Tame A Sheikh

 To Tame A Sheikh (Pride of Zohayd #1)
Penulis: Olivia Gates
Penerbit: Silhouette
Hlm: 185
Tahun: November 9th, 2010
Rating: 3.5/5
Format: ebook 

To Tame a Sheikh:   
He'd noticed her across a crowded room, and in that instant Sheikh Shaheen Aal Shalaan wanted her. With just a few words, Shaheen had his mystery woman in his bed, where she awakened passions he'd long denied.

Then the sheikh discovered his lover's true identity. She was Johara, his childhood friend, now fully blossomed into a vision he could not do without. But his lineage demanded he take a wife of the throne's choosing. Anything else would have catastrophic results. Yet how could he turn away from the woman who carried his baby?

Saya suka jalan ceritanya. Childhood friend then becomes a lover. Tapi dibandingin seri Olivia Gates yang lain, buku ini masih kurang manteb. Soalnya si Shaheen terlalu bucin jadi konflik antar tokoh hampir nggak ada. Karakternya lemah kalo dibandingin sama konspirasi kerajaannya. But I still enjoyed it nonetheless.

Nah, saya sukanya disini karakter Aliyah dan Kamal (seri Throne of Judar) sama Haidar dan Jalal juga (Seri Desert Kings) muncul walau hanya sebentar. Dan saya paling suka karakter Amjad. Really can't wait to read his story. Saya sudah terlanjur baca Desert Kings series yang ada Haidar dan Jalal duluan sih, jadi pas mereka muncul disini jadi berasa pengen tereak, "Kyaaaa, gua kenal dua kembar hot itu loh." Hahaha.

All in all, buku ini okelah untuk dibaca sekali duduk. Terutama kalau lagi mood baca romance yang ringan-ga-perlu-mikir. Kalau saya tipenya sekali baca buku berseri, harus diselesaikan semua. So, nantikan lanjutan review seri Pride of Zohayd selanjutnya yah.

My review for this series:

#1 To Tame a Sheikh

#2 To Tempt a Sheikh

#3 To Touch a Sheikh

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