Senin, 02 November 2020

To Tame A Sheikh

 To Tame A Sheikh (Pride of Zohayd #1)
Penulis: Olivia Gates
Penerbit: Silhouette
Hlm: 185
Tahun: November 9th, 2010
Rating: 3.5/5
Format: ebook 

To Tame a Sheikh:   
He'd noticed her across a crowded room, and in that instant Sheikh Shaheen Aal Shalaan wanted her. With just a few words, Shaheen had his mystery woman in his bed, where she awakened passions he'd long denied.

Then the sheikh discovered his lover's true identity. She was Johara, his childhood friend, now fully blossomed into a vision he could not do without. But his lineage demanded he take a wife of the throne's choosing. Anything else would have catastrophic results. Yet how could he turn away from the woman who carried his baby?

Saya suka jalan ceritanya. Childhood friend then becomes a lover. Tapi dibandingin seri Olivia Gates yang lain, buku ini masih kurang manteb. Soalnya si Shaheen terlalu bucin jadi konflik antar tokoh hampir nggak ada. Karakternya lemah kalo dibandingin sama konspirasi kerajaannya. But I still enjoyed it nonetheless.

Nah, saya sukanya disini karakter Aliyah dan Kamal (seri Throne of Judar) sama Haidar dan Jalal juga (Seri Desert Kings) muncul walau hanya sebentar. Dan saya paling suka karakter Amjad. Really can't wait to read his story. Saya sudah terlanjur baca Desert Kings series yang ada Haidar dan Jalal duluan sih, jadi pas mereka muncul disini jadi berasa pengen tereak, "Kyaaaa, gua kenal dua kembar hot itu loh." Hahaha.

All in all, buku ini okelah untuk dibaca sekali duduk. Terutama kalau lagi mood baca romance yang ringan-ga-perlu-mikir. Kalau saya tipenya sekali baca buku berseri, harus diselesaikan semua. So, nantikan lanjutan review seri Pride of Zohayd selanjutnya yah.

My review for this series:

#1 To Tame a Sheikh

#2 To Tempt a Sheikh

#3 To Touch a Sheikh

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