Rabu, 13 Maret 2013

Dream Lake

Judul: Dream Lake (Friday harbor #3)
Penulis: Lisa Kleypas
Penerbit: Piatkus Books
Hlm: 336
Tahun: 7 Agustus 2012
ISBN: 9780749953980
Rated: 4/5
Format: Ebook:
Dream Lake:   
They say that opposites attract. But what happens when one has been devastated by betrayal and the other is so jaded that his heart is made of stone? Enter the world of Friday Harbor, an enchanting town in the Pacific Northwest where things are not quite as they seem and where true love might just have a ghost of a chance….

Alex Nolan is as bitter and cynical as they come. One of the three Nolan brothers who call Friday harbor home, he's nothing like Sam or Mark. They actually believe in love; they think the risk of pain is worth the chance of happiness. But Alex battles his demons with the help of a whiskey bottle, and he lives in his own private hell. And then a ghost shows up. Only Alex can see him, Has Alex finally crossed over the threshold to insanity?

Zoë Hoffman is as gentle and romantic as they come. When she meets the startling gorgeous Alex Nolan, all her instincts tell her to run. Even Alex tells her to run. But something in him calls to Zoë, and she forces him to take a look at his life with a clear eye and to open his mind to the possibility that love isn’t for the foolish.

The ghost has been existing in the half-light of this world for decades. He doesn’t know who he is, or why he is stuck in the Nolans’ Victorian house. All he knows is that he loved a girl once. And Alex and Zoë hold the key to unlocking a mystery that keeps him trapped here.

Zoë and Alex are oil and water, fire and ice, sunshine and shadow. But sometimes it takes only a glimmer of light to chase away the dark, and sometimes love can reach beyond time, space, and reason to take hold of hearts that yearn for it…

Saya rasa sinopsisnya sudah cukup menjelaskan semuanya.. saya mau langsung ngomentarin bagian lainnya aja deh..

Menurut saya novel Dream Lake ini sangat menantang dengan karakter Alex Nolan yang complex. Alex bisa lihat hantu meen. I sort of had a hunch when I read Rainshadow Road (Friday Harbor 2) jadi nggak begitu terkejut lah ketika si hantu beneran gentayangan disini, secara seri Friday Harbor emang lumayan nyentuh magic, supranatural, dll.

Zoe is a very sweet and nice kind of girl, though she's described as havinf a bombshell's body. Tapi dia sama sekali nggak bitchy. Walaupun begitu, Zoe cukup lovable walaupun bukan karakter favorite saya. Anyway, the pair makes a good couple. Alex memang butuh penanganan khusus dari jiwa seorang penyayang seperti Zoe.

The story was fine. Karakter Alex is complicated, sayangnya deskripsi masa lalu Alex tentang bagaimana bisa ia jadi se-damaged itu nggak dijelasin dengan detail. Tapi saya rasa perjuangan Alex untuk berubah menjadi lebih baik (though he's still being an asshole through all the entire book, you just can't hate him) sudah cukup mendominasi dalam buku ini tanpa harus ditambahi detail masa lalunya.

Si hantu sendiri lumayan punya peran penting disini. He also helps Alex turned into a better shape with his wits and sardonic comments. He keeps Alex sane and drove him towards a right direction. He becomes Alex's friends, something that most Alex needed, a company.

Trus, satu yang aku suka banget dari Dream Lake, deskripsi makanan! The art of cuisine, resep cookies, dan adegan masak-memasak bertebaran di sepanjang buku, astaga perut saya kerucuk-kerucuk laper dan sepanjang hari jadi ngiler ngebayangin pancake, red velvet, dll.

Walaupun buku ini nggak bikin emosi saya teraduk kayak di Rainshadow Road saya rasa 4 bintang tetap wajib diberikan untuk kerumitan karakter Alex dan kisah si hantu. Can't wait to read Justine's love story in the 4th book (Crystal Cove), she's my fave heroine in the Friday Harbor series.

My reviews of the series
#4 Crystal Cove
#5 Lightning Bay

6 komentar:

  1. wah sampai 5 seri yah, banyak juga

    1. Iyah, biasa romance gini serinya pasti banyak

  2. Sampulnya keren yak... *serasa mau ikutan main air :)

  3. kok aku ngebayangin Zoe ini Zoe Deschannel ya? kkkk~

    1. LoL.. masa sih, IMO ZD itu quirky sementara disini Zoe itu sweet =))


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