Sabtu, 12 Januari 2013

[Wrap Up] 2012 Goodreads Reading Challenge

Yak ini wrap-up post untuk Goodreads Reading Challenge. Saya sukses mencapai target 118 buku dari total 112 buku yang saya targetkan di awal tahun. Beberapa ada yang baca ulang buku yang pernah saya baca di tahun 2011..

Memang sih cuma 118 buku, jauh lebih sedikit jumlahnya dibandingkan target bacaan saya tahun 2011 lalu. Tahun 2011 kemarin itu saya target 211 buku dan berhasil nembus 217 buku. Saya pun masih heran kenapa tahun 2011 bisa kesetanan dan sanggup ngabisin dua ratus buku. Yang jelas tahun 2012 ini saya nggak kuat, tepar banget book~

10/01/2012 - The Painted Veil by W. Somerset Maugham
11/01/2012 - Panduan Lengkap Perencanaan CSR by Nurdizal M. Rachman
12/01/2012 - Antalogi Rasa by Ika Natassa
12/01/2012 - Lana & The Prince by Katrin Praseli
15/01/2012 - Clara's Medal by Feby Indriani
19/01/2012 - Naked In Death by J. D. Robb (In Death #1)
21/01/2012 - Coming Home by Sefryana Khairil
21/01/2012 - Metamorphosa Oase by Retni SB
22/01/2012 - Utukki: Sayap Para Dewa by Clara Ng
23/01/2012 - Divortiare by Ika Natassa
26/01/2012 - Love in Sunkist by Evelyn Jingga
27/01/2012 - Hot Chocolate by Kinoysan
31/01/2012 - The Power od Six (Lorien Legacies #2) by Pittacus Lore
31/01/2012 - I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: Six's Legacy (Lorien Legacies, #0.5) by Pittacus Lore

01/02/2012 - A Wizard of Earthsea (The Earthsea Cycle, Buku 1) by Ursula K. Le Guin
06/02/2012 - Reuni (Reunion) - The Mediator Series Book 3 by meg Cabot
06/02/2012 - Darkest Hour (The Mediator, #4)by meg Cabot
06/02/2012 - Haunted (The Mediator, #5) by meg Cabot
06/02/2012 - Twilight (The Mediator, #6) by meg Cabot
08/02/2012 - Antara Cinta dan Benci by Susan Elizabeth Phillips
10/02/2012 - Mata Air Air Mata Kumari by Yudhi herwibowo
11/02/2012 - Fairy Bad Day by Amanda Ashby
13/02/2012 - SMA Avalon by meg Cabot
14/02/2012 - Dimi is Married by Retni SB
14/02/2012 - Freaky Friday by Mary Rodgers
15/02/2012 - Sunshine Becomes You by Ilana Tan
18/02/2012 - Jika Aku Tetap Di Sini (If I Stay, #1) by Gayle Forman
26/02/2012 - The Iron King by Julie Kagawa
28/02/2012 - Setelah Dia Pergi - Where She Went (If I Stay, #2) by Gayle Forman
28/02/2012 - I Hate Rich Men Virginia Novita
28/02/2012 - Dear You: Demi Apa? Demikian Aku Mencintaimu by Moammar Emka

MARET 2012
01/03/2012 - Winter Dreams by Maggie Tiojakin
06/03/2012 - Twivortiare by Ika Natassa
09/03/2012 - Mafia Espresso by Francisca Todi
10/03/2012 - Delirium by Lauren Oliver
18/03/2012 - My Partner by Retni SB
18/03/2012 - The Lady Chosen by Stephanie Laurens
30/03/2012 - On Bullshit by Harry G. Frankfurt
31/03/2012 - The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan

APRIL 2012
13/04/2012 - Heist Society by Ally Carter
17/04/2012 - So, I Married the Anti-Fan by Kim Eun Jeong
18/04/2012 - Beautiful Soul by Stefiani E. I.
25/04/2012 - Uglies #1 by Scott Westerfeld
28/04/2012 - Bella and the Beast by Astrid Zeng
29/04/2012 - Suami Sempurna untuk Tatiana by Astrid Zeng

MEI 2012
01/05/2012 - Pretties (Uglies #2) by Scott Westerfeld
01/05/2012 - The Vampire Diaries's Companion: Love You to Death by Crissy Calhoun
09/05/2012 - Specials (Uglies #3) by Scott Westerfeld
10/05/2012 - Sleepaholic Jatuh Cinta by Astrid Zeng
13/05/2012 - Fires of Winter (Viking #1) by Johanna Lindsey
14/05/2012 - The Awakening (Vampire Diaries #1) by L.J. Smith
14/05/2012 - The Struggle (Vampire Diaries #2) by L.J. Smith
20/05/2012 - Hearts Aflame (Viking #2) by Johanna Lindsey
21/05/2012 - Surrender My Love (Viking #3) by Johanna Lindsey
24/05/2012 - Until You (Westmoreland #3) by Judith McNaught
30/05/2012 - Nyonya Besar by Threes Emir

JUNI 2012
01/06/2012 - Three Weddings and Jane Austen by Prima Santika
04/06/2012 - My Stupid Boss #1 by Chaos@work
05/06/2012 - I For You by Orizuka
08/06/2012 - SeoulMate is You by Lia Indra Andriana
10/06/2012 - Runaway (Airhead #3) by Meg Cabot
10/06/2012 - Pleasure for Pleasure (Essex Sister #4) by Eloisa James
11/06/2012 - Demonglass (Hex Hall #2) by Rachel Hawkins
12/06/2012 - In Bed With The Devil (Scroundel With St. James #1) by Lorraine Heath
12/06/2012 - Between the Devil and Desire (Scroundel With St. James #2) by Lorraine Heath
14/06/2012 - Surrender to the Devil (Scroundel With St. James #3) by Lorraine Heath
15/06/2012 - Midnight Pleasure with the Scroundel (Scroundel With St. James #4) by Lorraine Heath
20/06/2012 - Dark Parallel (Joshua Files #4) by M.G. Harris
21/06/2012 - A Lady of His Own (Bastion Club #3) by Stephanie Laurens
25/06/2012 - A Fine Passion (Bastion Club #4) by Stephanie Laurens
26/06/2012 - Divergent (Divergent #1) by Veronica Roth

JULI 2012
07/07/2012 - Best Friends Forever by Orizuka
30/07/2012 - To Distraction (Bastion Club #5) by Stephanie Laurens

04/08/2012 - Dollhouse by Kardashian Sister
06/08/2012 - Beyond Seduction (Bastion Club #6) by Stephanie Laurens
06/08/2012 - How to Abduct a Highland Lord (MacLean Curse #1) by Karen Hawkins

07/08/2012 - To Scotland, With Love (MacLean Curse #2) by Karen Hawkins
14/08/2012 - The Edge of Desire (Bastion Club #7) by Stephanie Laurens
14/08/2012 - Cinta Paket Hemat by Retni S.B
18/08/2012 - Nobody's Baby But Mine by Susan Elizabeth Phillips
18/08/2012 - Welfare Theory: An Introduction by Tony Fitzpatrick
28/08/2012 - The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
29/08/2012 - My Stupid Boss 2 by Chaos @ Work
30/08/2012 - First Comes Marriage by Mary Balogh

01/09/2012 - Mastered by Love (Bastion Club #8) by Stephanie Laurens
04/09/2012 - Memory and Destiny by Yunisa K.D.
04/09/2012 - The Bachelor List (Matchmaker Duncan Sister #1) by Jane Feather
07/09/2012 - If Only It Were True by Marc Levy
09/09/2012 - The Bride Hunt (Matchmaker Duncan Sister #2) by Jane Feather
10/09/2012 - The Comes Seduction by Mary Balogh
20/09/2012 - Sweet Misfortune by Kevin Alan Milne
22/09/2012 - [un]affair by Yudhi Herwibowo
23/09/2012 - Pillow Talk by Christian Simamora
29/09/2012 - Gilt and Midnight by Megan Hart
29/09/2012 - Good Fight by Christian Simamora
29/09/2012 - Abbey's Sexual Adventure by Jennifer Cole
29/09/2012 - A Perfect Fit by Megan Hart

11/10/2012 - My Stupid Boss #3 by Chaos @ Work

10/11/2012 - Heart of The Matter by Emily Giffin
11/11/2012 - Only in Your Arms (Vallerands #1) by Lisa Kleypas
15/11/2012 - Finding You by Marc Levy
16/11/2012 - A Kingdom of Dreams by Judith McNaught
18/11/2012 - Secrets of Summer Nights by Lisa Kleypas
22/11/2012 - Joining (Shefford's Knights #2) by Johanna Lindsey
23/11/2012 - Say You Love Me (Mallory Family #5) by Johanna Lindsey
24/11/2012 - Love in The Afternoons (Hathaway's Sister #5) by Lisa Kleypas
25/11/2012 - Married by Morning (Hathaway's Sister #4) by Lisa Kleypas
26/11/2012 - Only With Your Love (Vallerands #2) by Lisa Kleypas
28/11/2012 - Di Ujung Penantian by Johanna Lindsey
29/11/2012 - Lady Sophia's Lover by Lisa Kleypas
30/11/2012 -A Romantic Story About Serena by Santhy Agatha

12/12/2012 - Apocalypse Moon (The Joshua Files #5) by M.G. Harris
15/12/2012 - Orang Ketiga by Yudhita Hardini
15/12/2012 - Bukan Istri Pilihan by Maria A. Sardjono
21/12/2012 - The Final Note by Kevin Alan Milne

Wadaaaw, gempor banget jari saya ngerekap 118 buku. Haha, kidding, ini rekapan sudah saya cicil dari beberapa bulan yang lalu kok, jadi kemarin cuma nambahin rekapan 3 bulan terakhir saja. Btw, ngerekap seratusan buku aja uda gempor, saya bersyukur karena keputusan untuk ngerekap dua ratusan buku tahun 2011 kemarin nggak jadi.. fiiiuuuh

Oya, untuk bulan Oktober itu downfall banget ya, cuma satu buku yang berhasil saya baca. Maklum, lagi ujian jadi moodnya nggak ada. Itu pun baca satu buku karena inget harus update blog, kalau enggak bisa absen satu bulan penuh nggak baca.

Yay!! Yang penting terpenuhi targetnyaaa. Banzaaaaiii

So, how's your challenges?

10 komentar:

  1. Err aku sih, biarkan yang di Goodreads tetap di Goodreads. Ahahaha.. males ngerekapnya.
    Gila banyak banget!! Aku aja naro 80 mikir2 juga nih sekarang. haha.

    1. Gimana yaa, terlanjur sih ngerekapnya. Mau dibatalin sayang.. Sebenernya nanggung sih, jadi diterusin deh. Trus beneran gempor =))

      Ayolah 80 ga akan segempor 118 kok :D

  2. Waahhh... Jumlahnya sama kayak aku!! >v<

    Aku juga baca 118 buku tahun lalu :D

    1. Seriusan kok bisa kebetulan bgt samaan.. haha

  3. Kagum euy...
    aku kayaknya 50 judul buku yg dibaca nggak nyampe,
    apalagi yang direview ya :)

    1. Yah, kan beda..
      mas helvry buku yg di baca berat2 gitu :))

  4. uwooowww. kalah dehhh saya. hahaha. target cuma 100, terpenuhi cuma karna baca komik. tahun pertama kuliah itu ngagetin!!! ga punya banyak waktu buat baca novel. T^T di saat ada waktu luang pengen baca, malah diajak jalan. huwaaaa maap curcolll~ hehe :D

    lanjutkan kak oky! :D

    1. Bagus dong, tandanya berarti Jessica ttp mentingin kuliah ^^

  5. plok plookk, hebaat. saya kemarin submit 25 aja gak kelar2, huhuh.

    anyway hasil recehnya berapa? blm buat wrap up nya?


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